Though the
mother’s care provider is not named, the daughter’s sentiments do reinforce the
fundamental goal of Eskaton’s approach to caring for individuals suffering the
devilish manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease.
defines empathy as “the ability to
share in another’s emotions, thoughts or feelings.” In Eskaton’s “Dawn of a New Day” Memory Care, an empathic approach
distinguishes the commitment of its caregivers who:
§ Make personal connections with
§ Engage residents in activities that
promote self-expression and cognitive challenges.
§ Partner with families; and provide
support and regular communication.
§ Respect the physical environment of
individuals and the community.
Eskaton also engages
memory care residents in very unique ways. The Kids Connection buddies residents with local elementary
school children who make regular visits; ARTZ: Artists for Alzheimer’s helps
residents explore their creativity; and urban gardens provide individuals with a
constant, growing sense of purpose.
Empathy in memory care is
about discovery. Not finding what is lost, because that may never be found; but
rather about seeking new ways to communicate, connect and not condescend.